입냄새 원인, 편도결석- 단순한 돌이 아닌, 세균덩어리(바이오필름, biofilm)

The cause of bad breath is mostly in the mouth. Unremoved plaque, plaque, bacteria that build up in old artificial teeth. Biofilm and inflammation, which accumulate further in periodontal pockets, are traced back to gastrointestinal problems, which can also cause bad breath in the mouth. Also, tonsil stones in front of the neck behind the mouth may be another cause of severe bad breath. Agree and paste the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffEA5g2WESo&ab_channel=%EA%B1%B4%EB%82%98%EB%AC%BCTV

1. Tonsilite: Not a simple stone, but a lump of bacteria…Biofilm (Stoodley, de Beer et al. 2009) A. Tonsilite is a substance embedded in the back tonsil surface of the mouth. B. Tonsil crypto is a stone.

MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPICALLY PHOTOGRAPHY INFLAMMATORY CELL IS COLLECTED AB (White arrow). The process by which the body recognizes and defends bacteria contained in tonsil stones. (Stoodley, de Beer et al.) 2009)

Chemical composition of tonsil stones Various chemical compositions (Yellamma Bai and Vinod Kumar 2015) including potassium and magnesium2. The bacteria in tonsil stones are very diverse. Originating from oral bacteria, these bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide and methylmericaptan, which cause bad breath.(Tuneishi, Yamamoto et al.) 2006)A fluorescence microscope was used to capture bacteria in tonsils.Various bacteria are distributed, including psobacterium, a long green rod-shaped bacterium, and red globular streptococcus.A. Pusobacterium nucleaseatum – The main culprit of bad breath. Hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan are produced.B. Tannerella forsythia C. Streptococcus D. Prevotella E. Eubacterium 3. Yellamma Bai and Vinod Kumar 2015 A. Stimulation, discomfort B. Severe bad breath C. Growing children sometimes mistake teeth for growing up from tonsils.A child who visited a pediatric dentist because of a tooth coming out of his throat and bad breath is removed with a cotton swab.(Yellamma Bai and Vinod Kumar 2015)4. Remove tonsil stones A. If placed in a natural state, it may be removed naturally.It can be removed by coughing or moving tonsils such as large to large.C. Cotton swabs, finger-based D. Inhalation of syringes E. Best is removed by an otolaryngologist or dentist with suction or posse 5. tonsillitis and tonsillitis. Relationship A. If tonsillitis occurs frequently, tonsillitis occurs. tonsillitis is prone to tonsillitis C. Still, I don’t recommend tonsillitis. If you remove tonsils, an immune system that protects against unburnt fires coming in through the mouth and nose, you will be more susceptible to colds and various diseases later. https://blog.naver.com/hyesungk2008/221360508926tonsils and microbiome 1: susceptible to infection after tonsil removal surgery. Short view of modern medicine = Case 1) If you cut your tonsils, you will catch a cold. There is a one-way street corner from mouth to neck. To the dentist… blog.naver.com6. Daily management and prevention of tonsil stones A. oral hygiene B. gargling brine (restrain from hexamedin, which has many side effects) C. propolis spray D. oral lactobacillus is also helpful. https://blog.naver.com/hyesungk2008/222920277131Oral lactobacillus 7: If you gargle children with tonsillitis, sore throat, and frequent sore throat by dissolving them in hot water…tonsillitis and sore throat are always ranked among the most frequent injuries in Korea. Especially not yet developed immunity… blog.naver.com7. It’s always the same place. The basics of health, eat well and wrap well, start of health, manage bacteria in your mouth.Standley, P., D. deBeer, M. Longwell, L. Nisto, L. Hall-Standley, B. WenigandY.P. Krespi (2009). “Tonsiloris: A living biofilm, not just a stone.” Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 141(3): 316-321. Tsuneishi, M., T. Yamamoto, S. Koikeguchi, N. Tamaki, K. Fukui and T. Watanabe (2006). “Composition of bacterial phases in tonsils” Microorganisms and infections 8(9): 2384-2389. Yelanma By, K, B. Vinod Kumar (2015). “Tonsillolith: Polymicrobial biofilm.” MedJArmedForces India 71 (Suppl1): S95-98.

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